Nic Ularu Awarded Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Arts in Târgu Mureș

On October 10th, the ceremony for awarding the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to the Vice President of OISTAT Romania, NIC ULARU, took place! This ceremony marks the first event of the Scenography Biennale and was held at the University of Arts in Târgu Mureș. 

The Bucharest Scenography Biennale, commenced with a remarkable milestone—the awarding of the Doctor Honoris Causa title to Nic Ularu, Vice President of OISTAT Romania. The ceremony took place at the University of Arts in Târgu Mureș, setting an inspiring tone for the Biennale's mission: to foster connections between Romanian and international scenographic communities.

This recognition is the first major event of the Biennale and highlights one of its core objectives: bridging local academic institutions with the global theatre and design landscape. By involving specialized faculties such as the University of Arts in Târgu Mureș, the Biennale seeks to create opportunities for collaboration between students, professionals, and educators from Romania and around the world.

We extend our thanks to the Rector of UAT, Prof. Univ. Dr. Habil. Sorin Crișan, for the beautiful laudatio, to Assoc. Prof. Univ. Dr. Sabin Sabados – President of the Senate, Prof. Univ. Dr. Oana Leahu – Dean of the Faculty of Arts in Romanian, and, last but not least, to Adrian Damian for his speech during the ceremony, in his role as President of the Romanian OISTAT Center and General Director of the Biennale.

The Bucharest Scenography Biennale aims to foster ongoing dialogue between specialized faculties, artists, and professionals across borders. Through workshops, exhibitions, and academic partnerships, the Biennale encourages innovation and collaboration, ensuring that scenography remains a vital and evolving field of art and design.