


A Beginning

The words of the writer Hermann Hesse come to mind: "In every beginning, there is a spell" (Jedem Anfang liegt ein Zauber inne). After so many years of absence of scenography from the public space of the arts, I see the initiative of OISTAT Romanian to organize the Scenography Biennale as a beginning. A beginning to bring scenography out of the shadows of the backstage, out of the parentheses of criticism, out of its function as mere window dressing, and into the place it deserves among the arts. The renowned scenographer Yannis Kokkos compared the scenographer to a heron, standing on one leg at the border... The scenographer is neither a painter, nor an architect, nor a graphic designer, nor a sculptor, nor a creator of gallery installations, nor a lighting designer, nor an art historian, nor a literary secretary; he is all of these in one. He must feel at home in all these fields and is called upon to invent spaces and images where the magic of theatre can unfold. At the same time, his creation is extremely fragile. It dies the moment the performance fails to capture the necessary magic, its life rests in the hands of the director and the actors, and, in the case of success, it remains in the audience's memory as a lasting impression.
Our Biennale is aimed not only at specialists in the field but also at a wide and diverse audience, beyond theatre lovers. We want to open the doors wide to as many art lovers as possible, and beyond. I wish the Biennale great success, a meaningful present, and a guaranteed continuation in two years.

- Helmut Stürmer, Artistic Director of BSB 2024


The Bucharest Scenography Triennial, founded in 1967, became a prestigious national event in Romanian stage design. Over nine editions, from 1967 to 1992, it served as a platform for the exchange of ideas, techniques, and innovations in scenography. Bringing together over 150 professional artists and students in each edition, it provided a space for creative exploration and dialogue.

Organized by Key Figures

Prominent cultural leaders such as Liviu Ciulei, Traian Nițescu and Paul Bortnovski organized the Triennial, ensuring it was not only an exhibition but also a space for collaboration and professional innovation. These figures helped establish Romania's reputation in scenography, with the Triennial showcasing the best of the nation’s theatrical design talent.

Nurturing Emerging Talent

The Triennial played a key role in nurturing the careers of emerging scenographers. Artists such as Helmut Stürmer, Radu Boruzescu, and Miruna Boruzescu showcased early works at the event, which served as a launchpad for their careers. The Nicolae Grigorescu Institute of Fine Arts, the only institution with a scenography department back then, regularly participated, giving students exposure and professional opportunities.

Workshops and Discussions

Alongside its exhibitions, the Triennial hosted workshops and colloquiums, encouraging discussions about the evolving nature of scenography. These sessions were vital for scenographers, directors, and technicians to exchange ideas. One notable highlight was the 1971 edition, which explored scenography's role in shaping visual atmospheres through lighting and sound.

A lasting Legacy

Although the Bucharest Scenography Triennial was discontinued after 1992, its legacy continues to influence Romanian scenography. The materials and works presented remain valuable resources for researchers, students, and professionals, documenting the evolution of stage design.

Today, the spirit of the Triennial lives on through the Bucharest Scenography Biennale, which revives and reimagines the original event. The Biennale pays tribute to the Triennial’s enduring influence, continuing its tradition of artistic collaboration, innovation, and exploration. It revives the spirit that once made the Triennial a cornerstone of Romanian scenography, honoring its rich legacy while paving the way for the future of stage design.


The Bucharest Scenography Biennale aims to cultivate a dynamic exchange of ideas and innovations, fostering international collaboration in the performing arts. It provides an inspiring environment for professionals and the public alike, offering insights into the creative processes that shape scenography and theatrical design. With exhibitions, workshops, and interactive experiences, the Biennale invites everyone to explore and engage with the world of theatre in new and exciting ways. Audiences have the unique opportunity to see real elements from iconic productions up close, deepening their understanding of the skill and creativity behind stage design.


The Bucharest Scenography Biennale wouldn’t be possible without the dedication and hard work of many passionate individuals. For this edition, we’ve assembled a truly remarkable team, filled with generous, committed, and selfless people. As BSB continues to unfold, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to all members of the team for their invaluable contributions and incredible efforts.

Artistic Director

Helmut Stürmer

General Director

Adrian Damian

Executive Director

Oana Giurgiu

Costumes in Action International Costume Exhibition

Nic Ularu

National Exhibition

Carmencita Brojboiu

Alexandru Dabija

Corina Grămoșteanu

Animation and Children’s Theatre

Remus Gabor


Viorica Petrovici

Cristian Niculescu
Theatre Architecture Exhibition

Cosmin Ardeleanu

BSB & FNT Talks

Raluca Rădulescu

Core Team

Daniela Neață

Exhibition Designer

Attila Kim

Exhibition Designer Assistant

Adina Marin

Dariana Pau

Graphic Designer

Ioana Teodoroiu

Peter Arpad Lorant

Ionuț Răcoreanu

Head of Communications

Adina Dragomir

Social Media Manager

Andrada Coiciu

PR Manager

Elena Belciu

Head of Production

Crina Cartas

Technical Production

Cristian Șimon


Adi Bulboacă


Vladimir Amzăr


Obszkura Production




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